Seed-Grants Between Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) and The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

GTIIT management is happy to announce a call for proposals for seed grants to support excellent research conducted in collaboration between faculty members at GTIIT and faculty members at the Technion.  Seed grants are short (18-month) collaborative efforts designed to produce preliminary data and preliminary publications, which can be used for subsequent applications to competitive sources for collaborative research.

Proposals must be based on a clearly defined scientific hypothesis and describe the collaborative effort, especially with mutual graduates.
The structure of the proposal should include an abstract and reference, an introduction validating the hypothesis, clearly defined goals, and a description of the collaborative operational plan and budget.
Proposals should not be longer than 15 pages.

Excellent proposals will be selected following a detailed review by an independent committee and will receive funding up to $60,000 per project ($30,000 for the GTIIT faculty member and $30,000 for the Technion faculty member).
Only full-time faculty members (at the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor) are eligible.
The funds can be used primarily for mutual graduate student scholarships, student travel, consumables, and user hours.
The purchase of lab equipment, travel, and salaries for the PIs will not be supported by the grants. No overhead will be charged for funds used at GTIIT.
Standard overhead for internal funding applies at the Technion (VAT + 10%).

Proposals should be submitted in PDF format to Prof. Moris Eisen, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (PVCAA) of GTIIT, and to Mrs. Ronit Mayer at gtiitrecruit@technion.ac.il.
In addition to the proposal, CVs (Technion format) of both PIs should be included.

In parallel, a ‘Research project form’ should be submitted by faculty members at GTIIT, and a ‘MANLAM’ form should be submitted by faculty members at the Technion.


*Faculty members who won the Seed- Grant last year can submit another one this year. Their proposal should include a short summary of last year’s collaborative accomplishments.


Applications should be submitted by July 1st, 2024


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